Nem A`rt official website / A Nem A`rt zenekar hivatalos honlapja
Nem A`rt official website / A Nem A`rt zenekar hivatalos honlapja

Nem A`rt music

Retro Beach (30 sec.demo)

Tom's Diner

Femme Fatale cover (Rehearsal room DAT recording)

Rehearsal room (analog cassette tape) recordings:

In the Echo

Napfényhullám (Sunshinewave)

Garfield's Latitude

(in the above Nem A'rt analog tape recordings our guest musician friend, Kósa Dávid plays the drums / percussion, who, next to Schumann, composed the classical music soundtrack of the 2012 film The Door - directed by Oscar winning Szabó István, featuring Oscar winning Helen Mirren)

Check out Nem A'rt Tom's Diner cover at:

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